The Risks of Legionella Disease for Contractors

Contractors know of the dangers of construction sites. With many moving parts, there are dangers from vehicles that have obstructed views as the roll around a job. There are also a look of power tools and hardware which can lead to bloody accidents and bad falls from ladders. But there are also unseen dangers present at every turn. In renovations and new construction projects there might be something which can be more dangerous than errors and accidents.
The multiline insurance company ACE group has created a study which shows the risk factors of Legionella bacteria. They issued an environmental advisory entitled “Legionella: Minimizing the Risk during Construction.” The bacteria can be present in heating and cooling systems or anywhere with standing water. Legionella is the bacteria which cause Legionnaire’s disease; a type of lung disease like pneumonia. Most of the symptoms of Legionnaire’s are similar to pneumonia, such as chills, cough, and high fevers. Legionnaire’s disease is fatal in nearly 30% of cases.
Dealing with a crew of workers that have come down with Legionnaire’s would be costly and possibly leave one open to personal injury lawsuits. Not to mention the costs to restore or decontaminate the area. While worksite pollutants can create a challenge, the best kind of defense is proactive risk management. Contact a dedicated insurance agent in San Rafael County who can assist you in protecting your workers as well as your business.
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