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Seasons Greetings-Be Careful

I would like to offer and our clients and blog readers the best this holiday season. The past year has been difficult for many in our insurance community and we all hope the recovery of our economy happens sooner than later for all our sake.

A couple things to be aware of always, but especially this time of year are car breakins, credit theft and holiday lights or candles.

A few year ago someone took a store credit card out in a our names and did their Christmas shopping on us. We got a bill $11,000.00 from a Sears Credit Card. We never had a Sears credit card. The charges were removed but it was a real pain.

We now have identity shield coverage on our homeowners policy.

Valuables left in cars is just asking for trouble. You would not believe the number of calls we get year round, but especially around the holidays about cars getting broken into. Goods bought are one thing but when you wallet or purse is stolen it is another. I never leave my wallet in the car. They can have my cell phone, camera and that wad of napkins I keep in the door pocket, but a thief is not getting my drivers license and credit cards.

Christmas tree lights and holiday candles: Just use common sense. Don’t overload electrical outlets and be careful where you put candles.

Enjoy the Holidays!

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