Prop. 103’s Influence on Car Insurance in California

Californians have a reason to smile when they compare their auto insurance rates to other states in the USA. Prices in California have seen a decline of 4 percent between 1989 and 1998. An opposite trend compared to other states which have seen increases of an average 38.9 percent, according to a new survey released by Consumer Federation of America.
The Consumer Federation of America has also reported that the nation averages more than $700 per vehicle and $1,500 per household. The total that car insurance companies make is $100 billion nationwide.
It is a credit to proposition 103, which was passed in 1988. This law tightened regulations to insurance, bringing lower rate increases, fewer uninsured drivers and more insurance companies to choose when buying car insurance. Prop. 103 affected these changes by forcing insurance companies to justify increases, give discounts to safe drivers, and provide customers with rate comparisons.
If you feel like you are paying too much for car insurance, you deserve to compare rates from other insurance companies. Don’t forget to take advantage of the terms outlined by Proposition 103 and reap the benefits of savings. Contact an experienced insurance agent at Wise Insurance in San Rafael today.
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