New California Task Force to Stop Uninsured Contractors

California recently created the Joint Enforcement Strike Force’s Construction Enforcement Project. This was a collaborative effort by the Contractors State License Board, Employment Development Department, and the California Department of Insurance. The main concerns of this task force was to stop construction orders to uninsured employers, reduce owner-builder permits, target contractors who evade payroll taxes, and increase criminal charges for license and insurance violations.
The results have been hugely successful to date. The Construction Enforcement Project has been able to regain over $100 million in penalties, unpaid wages and back taxes. For example, the Department of Industrial Relations has been able to suspend licenses and recover $1,835,869 in penalties from the Project’s research.
They do not plan on stopping anytime soon either. “Legitimate contractors in California appreciate the emphasis on construction,” said Brad Diede, who is the Executive Director of the California Professional Association of Specialty Contractors. “In our opinion, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Continued focus on the construction industry will yield millions more in recovered penalties and tax revenue for the state while simultaneously ensuring legitimate taxpaying contractors get the work.”
The penalties imposed by this task force are large and losing your license can me lost jobs and money. If you are a contractor who is working without insurance or a contractor looking into new rates, now is the time. Contact a skilled insurance agent in Marin County today to discuss the essentials of Contractor Liability insurance.
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